
The Institute for Advanced Computer Technology (IACT) is an organization known for its distinctiveness in the field of training and education. The institute is driven by the idea of bringing about change and transformation across the globe. The institute takes pride in spreading knowledge through its pool of experienced trainers and practical approach and methodology of training students. The institute specializes in offering software, hardware and professional career-oriented courses to its students. All in all, the institute excels in providing computer education and training. Courses at IACT provide high quality hands-on training and capacity building to make its students skilled to work in diverse professional settings.

IACT holds ISO 9001:2015 certification for Computer Training and Education Support Services. The institute persistently works towards identifying and improving skills of professionals and students associated with it and enhancing its own pool of knowledge through rigorous quality checks. All activities and initiatives at the institute rely on active participation of all its franchises, professional trainers and students spread across the country. IACT has been attracting talent from all groups, be it trainers, students or like-minded organizations. It offers opportunities to teachers and learners alike. The institute is ideal for anyone who is striving to grow professionally and willing to contribute to the development of the nation.

IACT bases its operations on a franchise model. It has been able to develop a wide network of over 1022+ such franchises all over India. These franchises are continuously expanding and spreading the institute’s roots to reach the remotest regions of the country. These agencies have also strengthened the functioning of the institute over the years. Our partnerships and collaborations with the Delhi Police, Chandigarh Police, Uttar Pradesh Police and state governments of Bihar, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh have also inspired us to move forward towards our vision and mission of assisting students in gaining training and knowledge to build their capacity and make them employable and independent.
