

कंप्यूटर फंडामेंटल, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट विंडोज -7 और इंटरनेट

ISBN No.: "978-81-941499-4-1"
Pages: 148 pages
Language: Hindi
Dimensions: 175x240 mm
Weight 328GM
Publisher: IACT Publication

IACT Publication is specially designsComputer Fundamental Microsoft windows and Internet Book in Hindi Language & Colour full design by keeping in mind for those students who have difficulties to understand English Language, This book will help to the students who comes from Rural area to learn computer easily, In this book you will find the concept of computer, history of computer, generations of computer, advantages of computer,Microsoft Windows, Notepad, Paint, Internet and Email etc. The content of these books is easily comprehensible, it will also be very helpful for students doing preparation for govt. job competitions.

₹ 275 (Inclusive of All Taxes)
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